Using the Gladinet Cloud
Gladinet Cloud provides unified, managed access to cloud and local storage. Use this dashboard to centrally manage access to the unified storage. Users can access their storage as a drive with any Gladinet agent
Welcome Tour: A series of quick tour page going over the Gladinet Cloud. Review the tour here.

My Storage: On-premise and cloud storage with global, permission-based access for your users.

My Users: Globally access unified storage in the Gladinet Cloud. Each user is also assigned some private space based on the quotas set by their administrator.
My Team Folders: Shared workspaces in on-premise or cloud folders that will appear in the Gladinet drive of authorized users.
My PC Folders: You can attach local folders from your PCs to the Gladinet Cloud and access them anywhere from a web browser. You can also publish and share the folders with your team members.
Files Shared with Me: This folder will contain files that have been shared with you.
Version Team Folder: These kind of folder will have change logs for the files inside the folder. It will keep version history of the files.
Attached Public Cloud Storage: If you have cloud storage accounts with other public cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Rackspace and etc. You can attach them and use Gladinet cloud for centrally aggregated access to all of them.
Global Access: Shared workspaces are accessible anywhere using Gladinet Cloud Desktop - Team Edition or the web portal. There is also expanding support for mobile device access through Gladinet agents for the iPad, iPhone and more.